Monday, April 5, 2010

Macarons with salted caramel filling

I was told that the French macaron is the hardest cookie to make, and I believe that to be verrry true!  Whenever you're working with egg whites and a meringue, you're likely to find some trouble!  The cookies are finicky and subject to the environment, so if it's humid, get ready for a fight.  This was my 3rd attempt at home making this cookie and I was so thrilled to see that they worked!  They might not be perfect, but damn, they were so close!  

If you've never had the pleasure of tasting a macaron, I recommend getting your butt to a local french pastry shop ASAP!  They are a wonderfully delicious and adorable treat.  They are very trendy right now, so much so, that there was a whole day devoted to macarons in NYC. Macaron Day NYC.  If you're in the NYC area, check out the pastry shops who were involved in Macaron Day and make it a point to go there and taste these amazing cookies!

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